Chemical Biology
The group of Chemical Biology and Therapeutic Applications of Nucleic Acids is a young research group at the University of Barcelona (Section of Organic Chemistry), led by Montserrat Terrazas.
Our multidisciplinary research is focused on developing modified nucleosides and oligonucleotides of biological and structural interest, with a special emphasis on designing stimuli-responsive multi-target oligonucleotide tools for the treatment of complex pathologies such as cancer.
Latest News
Oct 2024.
Ariadna Vila presented her work at the XIII Reunión de Ácidos Nucleicos y Nucleósidos (RANN XIII; Alcalá de Henares).

Oct 2024.
Our recent work on multifunctional ASO-based tools has been highlighted in the national newspaper La Vanguardia, featured in the press release from the University of Barcelona and nominated as ‘Article of the Month’ by IBUB
Sept 2024.
Aitana Vergara has started her Bachelor’s thesis (TFG) in our group
Jul 2024.
The paper ‘RNase H-sensitive multifunctional ASO-based constructs as promising tools for the treatment of multifactorial complex pathologies’ has been published in Bioorganic Chemistry. A relevant contribution in the oligonucleotide therapeutics field with the development of a new multi-targeting stimuli-responsive oligonucleotide tool of great potential for the treatment of complex pathologies. Congratulations Ariadna for your first PhD article!
Jul 2024.
María Fernández has successfully defended her Master thesis (TFM). Congratulations!
Jul 2024.
Gerardo Ramírez has started a research internship in our lab.
Apr 2024.
We have a new group member: Bartomeu Mir (postdoc). Welcome to our group!
Apr 2024.
We have signed a scientific-transfer project with Bruker Biospin company (FBG 312793) to synthesize and characterize by NMR novel model therapeutic oligonucleotides.